A Real Look At Plexus (That “Pink Drink” Company)
January 17, 2019

Before I even get into the good stuff, there’s a bunch of legal stuff I have to make sure you understand before reading. You can read my full disclosure page here.
Any statements made about Plexus products have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
So that pretty much means: I can talk about how I believe Plexus has made my life better, but I can’t legally promise you it will make your life better or claim that it will heal all your ailments. And obviously, as a tiny little blog, the FDA hasn’t reviewed what I write.
I’m not a doctor. I have no medical certificate or degree of any kind. I’m a Mom who bases decisions off of real life experience, results, and my own research. That being said, ALWAYS RESEARCH EVERYTHING! Inform yourself. Talk to whoever you trust with your health care. Ask questions.
I am a Plexus Ambassador. If you join Plexus with me as your sponsor, I will receive a commission. I would love to be on that journey with you. You would also have the option to be a part of a supportive and knowledgeable team of great people. Please, contact me if you have any questions or if you would like more information.
Now let’s finally get into it:
I started using Plexus just over a year ago. I felt pretty informed about gut health, and I had already been taking a probiotic. I had been seeing some posts on Facebook by friends who were using Plexus and talking about their “pink drink”.

I tend to ignore MLM companies since I failed at my first attempt at being a part of one ten years ago. It makes me really uncomfortable to try and sell stuff to my friends. I also can’t stand getting generic messages from people I haven’t talked to in eight years trying to sell me makeup. Let me make it clear: I don’t wear makeup. You look fantastic, but no, I’m not gonna buy a $300 makeup kit from you even if the mascara makes your eyelashes look great.
Health is something I’m passionate about and I knew my body felt “off”
I had a pretty traumatic birth experience with Sunshine (my third baby) and I ended up getting several different antibiotics. I had some terrible postpartum depression and I ended up on an antidepressant. Then, of course I wasn’t trying to have another baby right away so I was on birth control. Let’s be honest – all of those things can mess with your gut health.
I knew that getting my gut right could help me out a lot. Your gut health affects everything. I could go down the list of symptoms of poor gut health and at least half of them were reg flags for me.
- Bloating
- Digestive Issues (constipation, cramps, diarrhea)
- Autoimmune Issues
- Food Sensitivities
- Allergies
- Thyroid Issues
- Weight Issues
- Fatigue
- Skin Issues (acne, eczema, psoriasis, red blotchy skin)
- Headaches/body aches
- Fatigue
- Depression/anxiety & other mental health struggles
Yikes! I ended up with celiac disease in my twenties after a lifetime of eating bread and pasta constantly. I always felt tired. I struggled with depression and anxiety, headaches, allergies, digestive issues, skin issues… I knew it just couldn’t be normal to feel like crap all the time!
I know, the fatigue and a few of the other symptoms can be related to hormones and all the changes and strain on my body that 4 kids in 6 years can cause.
So I went out for dinner with my friend Susie and we talked about life and family and kids and eventually, Plexus. Her and her sister, Sara, had both been “doing Plexus” for a while and were really into it. She told me about the ways it really helped her and we talked about the things I was hoping it could do for me.
Making money was NOT on my list.
I think that’s my hang-up when it comes to MLM companies. I don’t want to make people feel like I’m advocating for something just because it’s going to benefit me financially. So when I finally committed to trying out the products, I had no interest in trying to recruit anyone else.
So we talked about what kind of customer I wanted to join as. There’s an option for retail, preferred customer, and wholesale ambassador. With the ambassador membership, you end up paying a yearly fee, but you get the best price on the products and a few more options. You also make money back on what YOU order.
For the other two, there’s no membership fee. It made sense for me to start at the ambassador level, since I was buying for our whole family. The cost and benefit balanced out.
Something I love about Plexus is that you’re not gonna get “kicked out” if you need to skip a month or pause your subscription. That’s actually a big reason why I left the last MLM company I was involved in. There are incentives, but there’s no minimum order requirement, so no pressure to spend enough.

I was pregnant with #4 – Mars when I started, so I wasn’t interested in anything geared toward weight loss. I basically just wanted a really good vitamin and probiotic. The idea is to start out on “The Triplex” which is: Slim (prebiotic pink drink), ProBio5 (probiotics with digestive enzymes, & a natural anti fungal), and BioCleanse (Magnesium & Vitamin C with Bioflavonoids). You get a starter bundle deal and there’s a few options. I ended up getting the triplex plus a couple supplements and great multivitamin, X-Factor Plus, for The Daddy as well. When I started, I continued taking my prenatal vitamin. Eventually I ended up taking X-Factor as well.

Plexus had also just released a combo vitamin and probiotic for kids that I was interested in, so I added those as well. My kids were already taking a vitamin and probiotic that I liked, but I didn’t like that it contained added sugar (even if it was organic). – and YES, my kids liked them!
I’m all about the ingredients.

I read every label. I don’t want vitamins and supplements with cheap synthetic ingredients. It’s important to me that the vitamins (specifically B-vitamins) are “bio-available”. I always look for FOLATE not folic acid. Plexus does a great job of explaining why that’s important here.
Now, this is where I don’t make a good sales person.
I personally know what it’s like to be on a tight budget and think “yeah, that sounds great… but $100 or more on vitamins and supplements? I can not afford that!”
I hear you loud and clear!
That’s kind of how MLMs come into play. When you recruit others to join Plexus, you get a kick back. Call it a commission or “reward” for recruiting a new customer. It’s a pretty smart business move, but if you’re like me, it might be outside of your comfort zone to recruit people. I already participate in affiliate marketing with Amazon. The main difference is that there’s no separate levels/pricing and it’s a more passive way to earn income.
I trust that a majority of people who recruit others to join Plexus do so because they honestly use, love, and believe in the products. It put my mind at ease knowing both Susie and her Sister not only use and love the products, but they speak highly of the company and what they stand for as well.
OK, that was a lot of info on why I chose Plexus, but if you’re still reading you might be wondering when I’m actually gonna share IF and HOW Plexus worked for me. In short, YES it worked.
How Plexus worked for me:
It’s not a magical overnight thing. I was messaging with Susie for a while to really figure out when the best time to take each product was, how to ease myself on them (which wasn’t as huge of deal for me since I was already on a probiotic), and making adjustments as needed.
Then something happened.
Nope, not a miraculous feeling of wellness. I felt like crap, actually.
ProBio5 has a unique combination of enzymes and probiotics (plus B6 and Grape Seed extract). One of the enzymes they use – chitosanase – is super effective against candida. Candida is a type of yeast that normally lives in small amounts on and inside your body without causing issues. But it can multiply and get out of control. It has a really hard shell and it’s tough to get rid of. Think of barnacles on a boat.
Since I was already on what I thought was a good regimen, I didn’t realize the extent to which my body would react with die-off symptoms.
When all the bad bacteria dies, it releases somewhere around 75+ different toxins – including ethanol and acetaldehyde. Those two affect your body in a way similar to alcohol, so it kind of makes you feel similar to a hangover. Die-off can even cause allergic reactions and inflammation. You detox through your liver, and when that gets overwhelmed your body is gonna panic a bit. I was getting rashes and feeling a mess for a while.
I know, I’m really convincing you to do this now, right?

Well, sometimes you’ve got to make a bigger mess TEMPORARILY before you fix something (just ask Marie Kondo). In the long run you will be thankful. Luckily, I messaged Susie and Sara and they were able to coach me through some adjustments I could make so I wasn’t feeling so terrible.
A big thing was making sure I was drinking a TON of water. Water helps flush the crud out of your system faster. BioCleanse is also designed help your body get rid of the toxins as well. They all work together. Slim feeds the good bacteria in your gut with prebiotics. There’s so much information to share here, really, I could keep writing about gut health for hours.
I had some serious sugar cravings.
I was blaming pregnancy but I knew it was a gut issue, and killing the invaders like candida (which feeds on sugar and CAUSES the cravings) would really help. During the process, I did need to cut sugar drastically – which is hard. It’s really NOT fun anytime, but even tougher while pregnant.
You might be seeing a flashing red warning light in your mind when you see the word DETOX, knowing I was pregnant when I started Plexus. I was comfortable with the process for myself, and discussed what I was taking and doing with the team providing my pregnancy care and healthcare.
I’m gonna remind you again that I’m not giving you medical advice. I encourage you to check with you healthcare provider if you have questions or concerns.
After a while, I noticed I was feeling better.
I know that is vague, but it was a lot of little things. My body felt healthier. Less sugar cravings, less brain fog, better umm… “bathroom habits”. I can’t comment on the fatigue because I still have young children so that doesn’t seem to go away. My skin even cleared up.

I also started taking VitalBiome, another probiotic in the morning and I got to a point where I could tell if I forgot because I was dragging a bit more than normal.
How did Plexus work for my husband, AKA The Daddy?
Honestly, I can’t say. He struggled to consistently take everything he was supposed to take. Plus, he’s not as observant as I am when it comes to how his body is responding to a food, vitamin, or supplement. He didn’t make the same diet changes I did either (like cutting sugar).

“Give up SUGAR!?! Forever??”
No. Breathe my friend. It’s totally not forever! And that part isn’t anything you HAVE to do. For me, cutting sugar during the first month or two really helped lessen my cravings. It also made me more aware. I still love sweets, and I can recognize now that when I over-indulge I end up struggling with craving sweets more. I do eat less sugar now. I have to be intentional about it, but luckily my cravings are not as bad as they were.
Looking to try it out?
If you’re struggling with health issues, experiencing any of the symptoms above or looking to up your gut health game, I would love to help you discover what kind of things Plexus could help you with.
You can head over to My Plexus Site and browse around for more info or contact me directly, I’d love to chat with you!
This picture was taken at the end of July 2019, and I’m so excited to see such a difference in my body. Just my face alone looks so much healthier!