Sometimes You Get The Mess
October 18, 2018

Life feels like an emotional hurricane sometimes. I struggle with self-esteem, parenting, and even getting motivated in general. I am not a perfectly-kept-home type of wife. Sometimes The Daddy comes home from work and the house is a hot mess, the kids are running around half-naked, and I have no clue what we’re doing for dinner. But heck, I painted a chair, or built a garden bed, or did some random house project to try and avoid a weeks worth of dishes overflowing in the sink.
And thankfully, I’m blessed with a husband who doesn’t make me feel bad about it.
*We refer to him as “The Daddy” around here [I used to do in-home daycare when Dash was a baby, the little girl I watched would only refer to him as “The Daddy”]*
Some of my favorite quotes are random off-the-wall things The Daddy says.
One day, we were sharing a delicious piece of pie, and my Dear Husband stops, looks deep into my soul, and says:
“You’re eating like a caveman with a fork right now”
Yeah, he just says whatever comes to his mind. It took me a while to figure out his clever, quick, and sometimes smart-a** sense of humor.

We are complete opposites.
“The Daddy” is a big, burly, extroverted dude. I’m about half his size, and mostly introverted. It fascinates me the way he can compartmentalize and just move on from a situation or feeling within minutes. I still give side eye to the guy at the car wash who told me to turn off my windshield wipers in a rude way [they were on the setting where they only go off when they sense water, so I didn’t realize they were on – BRO, CHILL!]
I’ve struggled through seasons of anxiety and depression [and postpartum depression] and he has been by my side. His brain doesn’t work the same way as mine, but he acknowledges how I feel things so deeply and loves on me whether he understands or not.
One day, I was having a hard day. The house was a mess, and I was frustrated because the kids were pushing all my buttons. He had been working a ton trying to get his stores where they need to be, so I barely saw him. I couldn’t think of anything to write so I got all worked up thinking I was already failing at my new blogging adventure. I felt like a mess.
He looked at me, deep into my soul, and said: “It’s OK. Sometimes you get the Creative, Sometimes you get the Mess“
That was exactly what I needed. That reminder that it was OK to be a mess. And even when I feel like a mess, I have a husband [and a Heavenly Father] who loves the mess outta me.
So for all of you Moms out there who need a reminder: whether you’re a creative mess, or just a hot dang mess, It’s OK. You’re doing great. Sometimes, you just get to be a mess. Surround yourself with people who love the mess outta you, too! And if you’re a believer, know that there’s always a God smiling down on your mess. He created that mess.
Tell me in the comments below: what do you do when you feel like a mess? Eat ice cream and drink wine? Pray? Hide? What makes you feel better?
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