Best Non-Food Halloween Treats [Under $10!]
October 6, 2018

We are a family with food allergies. For most of the year, it’s not really a big deal anymore – we are pretty used to it. I’ve got recipes galore.
BUT the time of year that I find the toughest to navigate is definitely Halloween through Christmas. It is the season of treats. Sweet, dairy-filled, bright-colored, nostalgia-flavored goodies.

I found out a few years back that my body hates gluten. Even a little bit can make me feel like I had bad gas-station sushi before going out drinking until 2 A.M. You get the picture.
Now, my boys – ALL THREE – are allergic to cow’s milk proteins. Just like my husband. By the Grace of God, none of our food allergies cause anaphylactic reactions. But not everyone is that lucky.
A few years back, a new “project” started trending on Pinterest.
The Teal Pumpkin Project
Now, I love almost anything teal. If you walk into my house (through my teal front door) you’d be able to guess my favorite color right away. So, when I found out it was about providing options for kids with food allergies: I was 100% on board! It started a pinning frenzy. But I quickly realized how crazy expensive it was going to be to buy non-food treats instead of candy.
I headed to the dollar store and bought a couple 8-packs of glow bracelets. I also bought the regular bulk candies so I could pass out both. I even spray painted an orange pumpkin bucket teal-blue and wrote a little sign.
Go figure. It was a really cold year and we barely had trick-or-treaters. It was OK, my then-toddler “Dash” had a great time playing with the bracelets. (Until the next day when he discovered they weren’t glowing anymore)

The next couple years I tried to perfect my teal pumpkin game. Still, the majority of trick-or-treaters that actually had food allergies were my own kids. But I’ve had a few relieved parent faces and happy kids when I passed them their trinkets instead of treats.
If glow bracelets aren’t your jam, I’ve put together a list of non-food treat ideas [under $10 on Amazon!]
*These are my own affiliate links. This means if you purchase through a direct link I share, I receive a small commission at no extra cost to you, because you were referred by me. This helps fund my blog and the costs to keep it running. Thank you so much for your support! Also, please note: Amazon prices change frequently. At the time I published this article, everything was under or right at $10*
#1: Glow Bracelets (glow sticks, etc)
These are GREAT for Halloween – especially at night. Kids love them. Both “Dash” and “Bear” have fall birthdays, so I load up on these. They even bring them to school for their birthday “treat”
#2: Vampire Teeth
What kid doesn’t get a kick out of stuffing these in their mouth and trying to talk? It sounds funny, It looks funny, kids love that stuff. AND they last for longer than one day, if you let them – I wont judge. There’s just something about spit covered vampire teeth sitting around on the floor among a pile of candy before getting picked up and put right back in… oh the spirit of Halloween.
#3 Pencils
These are for you, Practical Pam. You just can’t get past the idea of a cheap piece of plastic that will only last a day, but a pencil? Now we’re talking. This one might last 3 days before they lose it, break it, or trade it at school. But you feel proud, Pam! You contributed to their education! 😉
#4: Spider Rings
Another childhood favorite. I think the colorful ones creep me out less than the black ones when I find them stuck in my living room rug.
#5: Kazoos
OK, Moms, don’t hate me. I know, they drive me crazy too. But it’s Halloween! Throw them in the back yard and tell the kids to start a outdoor kazoo band – your neighbors will love it 😉
#6: Stickers
Again, I know, every Mother’s dream! But budget-wise, you can’t beat it. Stickers are cheap. There are tons of cute ones, search around for a deal.
That’s my top 6! But there’s tons of options out there. Leave a comment below with your allergy-friendly ideas to support the #tealpumpkinproject

I just learned about the teal pumpkin this year. What a great idea!
And thanks for the non-candy treats ideas. I loved getting glow sticks and pencils as a kid. (Still do!)